Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Saturday, December 11, 2010
Friday, December 10, 2010
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The MoBus Takes a Break
Somewhere along the road the MoBus stops to rest. We had overheating problems and would occasionally have to cool off.
Monday, October 25, 2010
Twleve Hours After MoBus Arrival The Merry Molochster Prepare to Depart
The MoBus arrived in Austin at 3 pm and a mere twelve hours later the Merry Molochsters were prepared to depart on the MoBeg'n Tour. The MoBus had been tested on the road from Madison, but should have had a complete check up and fluid change. But, nothing stops a MoBus from it's appointed rounds.
Sunday, October 24, 2010
The MoBus Arrives in Austin, TX at the Aristocrat Caravaner Society
After 1,200 miles in 28 hurs the MoBus arrives in Austin, TX at the Aristocrat Caravaner Society, point of departure for the DonJon's MoBeg'n Tour.
Saturday, October 23, 2010
MoBus Goes Off Road Outside Austin, TX
In a traffic jam on I-35 just outside Austin the MoBus goes off road. Only 100 down the traffic cleared up and the MoBus was back on I-35 20 minutes away from arrival at the Aristocrat Caravaner Society, DonJon's Austin home.
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
DonJon at the Wheel, The MoBus Cruises Through St. Louis, MO
The MoBus back on the road from the blow out cruises through St. Louis, MO with DonJon at the wheel and Big Tone navigating.
First Night on the MoBus with Blown Tire in Illinois
by Tony Floriani
After an overwhelming, but nonetheless awe inspiring couple of days in Madison fixing the bus, we picked up our first two passengers, and hit the road. While Donjon took the wheel and I navigated and watched our considerable blind spot, I can only imagine what was going through the minds of our Swiss friends' heads. Over a thousand miles from home, in an unimaginably large vehicle that had failed to even start up only days before, with a cowboy bohemian at the helm and a wild haired ex businessman explaining to them that we'd drag the bus on our backs if we had to...
Just a few hours into the trip, a little after 11pm, we put that theory to the test. We all jumped and there was a moment of confusion as one of the tires blew out with a loud bang that jangled my already fraying nerves. DJ handled the situation like a master, though, and a few seconds later we had the bus steady enough to guide her onto the shoulder. I'd been worried since we began the journey that the bus simply wouldn't make it through the 6,000 mile journey we had in store for it, and suddenly that sickening reality settled in. But despite my period of pessimism, by no means were we without hope. I'd said we'd carry the bus on our backs if we had to, but before we reached that eventuality, we were damn well going to do everything in our power to get her rolling again.
After setting up the emergency triangles and messing around with the disordered rewiring that the previous owner had applied to the exterior lighting, we all gathered around to have a look at the blown tire. We discovered that it was one of the starboard tires, just in front of the articulation. I marveled at how badly the tire had shredded, which unbeknownst to me at the time was pretty much what happens when large tires go boom. Even knowing that now, the sight was impressive. The treads had separated, peeled away from the rim as if raked by the claws of a terrifyingly large animal. Perhaps a polar bear or a T-Rex.
The Swiss just rolled with it, didn't seem perturbed much. Perhaps they had the mistaken impression that we knew what we were doing, or perhaps it didn't matter. I couldn't say. Meanwhile, if DJ was frustrated, he nonetheless took it in stride, and Randy, our mechanic who more or less single handedly got the bus rolling out of its barn-turned-mausoleum just a few hours back, set to work contacting local tire shops. I stewed a bit, realizing that we'd certainly get rolling again, but now facing a related worry, that which pertained to our shoestring budget.
It was about that time that I looked up and across the length of the bus to notice how our position on the shoulder had, in removing us from the traffic flow of the highway, placed us on a good fifteen or twenty degree tilt, which the blown tire was directly under. I'm sure my shoulders must've slumped heavily when I saw that, and seeing that we'd have to wait for a mechanic in any event, we retreated back onto the bus. I kept the Swiss company as we prepared for the possibility of a long night while Randy and DJ used what little charge our phones had left to make there calls. It took about an hour, during which we'd begun telling stories and listening to music on a cheap portable speaker, to determine that we wouldn't be getting any help until morning. The tire we'd lost had a bizarre configuration that the mechanics later referred to as "suicide rims." Aside from being wickedly unusual and hard to replace, these rims apparently had a tendency to separate from the axle mid-drive. Not the most comforting revelation, to say the least, but by that measure it would seem our situation was actually fortuitous. It revealed a potentially dangerous design faux pas without killing us. Sometimes, it's all about that silver lining.
Given our situation, DJ felt, correctly, that a little booze was just the thing we needed to keep our spirits up. So he and Randy took our chase car down the road and bought us a few six packs and some snacks. We spent the rest of the night drinking, and getting to know the Swiss. They were a couple, Simon and Karen, and they'd seemed perfectly comfortable with our outlandish situation from the start, when we found them outside a gas station and I'd leapt out of a still moving car shouting "I come from the MoBus!" Turns out, Simon had done an exchange program in school years ago and had been coming to visit his host family in Madison, every year since. He therefor spoke excellent English. Karen didn't speak much English at all, or at least, she didn't choose to at the time. So when something came up that was mutually incomprehensible, she'd speak to Simon in what I think was German, and he'd translate. Finally, after getting good and tipsy, and revealing Karen's extreme dislike of U2, we called it a night and tried restlessly to find decent places to sleep in our new, tilted home. And so ended our first night on the MoBus. Things would only get weirder from there, and that's the way we like it.
Monday, October 18, 2010
MoBus Blowout in Illinois
When the MoBus departed Madison, a dude at a big rig garage told us that these tires were very uncommon and they were on 'split rims,' commonly refered to in his line of work as suicide rims. Apparently they have blown peoples heads off. We blow a tire on the road and upgraded both rear tires at a cost well above our meger budget. Oh well, such is life on the MoBus.
First Tour of the MoBus - Madison WI
As we prepare to depart Madison, WI, our friends, the Swissassins, take the first video tour of the MoBus, all 60 feet!
DonJon Pilots MoBus One for the First Time
This is the earliest video we took of the MoBus in action, and its a beautiful sight. As the video was being shot, I stood and watched DJ put the ol' girl through her paces in a truck shop parking lot. I'd just retrieved our first two passengers, Simon and Karen, soon to be known affectionately as the Swissassins, and it was starting to sink in that we might actually succeed. Our quest to take the largest interstate bus ever built, on a 6,000 mile journey to Burning Man and back was madness, pure madness, but it was happening. After all the planning, fundraising, organizing, the frustration and the setbacks, I hardly believed that I was actually seeing our work come to fruition. The doubt that I'd been poorly concealing since we left Austin was finally starting to fade.
About a week before, I'd just returned home from a trip to El Salvador. The first call I got was from DJ, letting me know that our man in the Midwest had failed to pick up the bus as planned. It had felt like a long trip, because exciting as it was to be in another country, I still couldn't fully insulate myself from the torrent of bad news that had begun to pour out of the MoBus project since I'd left. Fundraising commitments fell through, riders had begun dropping out, others were loosing faith, and all I could do was send a reassuring email once or twice a day, even as my own confidence began to wane. When I got off the plane and walked out of the Austin airport, I didn't want to hear anymore. I was desperate to go home and do nothing for a few days, clear my head before game time. But that wasn't to be.
When I first got the call, I balked at the prospect of dropping everything to drive a thousand miles for a bus that might not even make the return trip to Austin. I was tired, and if truth be told, a bit depressed that everything seemed to be falling to pieces mere days before our Grand Departure. So when DJ asked if I'd come with him to pick up the bus, I told him "no." He'd seemed a bit injured at the idea that I wouldn't be coming, but he assured me that he and our mechanic, Randy, could get it done on their own. I was off the hook.
Over the next five hours though, I stewed. I'd made no pretense of an excuse that might have kept me from going, and as I sat there I realized that it just wasn't good enough. Aside from DJ, I'd invested myself in the project more than anyone. Actually, I was obsessed. The outrageous idea that began as a conversation on DJ's patio had grown to encompass most every aspect of my life. I wanted to set it aside, get my bearings, but I couldn't. I couldn't let it go, and I couldn't let DJ go to Madison without me. I think in the back of my mind, I feared that if I didn't go and see the bus myself, it wouldn't be there for us when we needed it.
So I phoned DJ and told him to pick me up. It took us three days, a thousand miles, several dozen false starts and a broken barn door, but the damn thing came to life! Randy had resurrected her, and there she was, happily rolling around the parking lot. More challenges were definitely coming, of course. We knew that even then, but now we'd seen it. We glimpsed a hint of our vision fulfilled. That's when the MoRoadtrip really began in earnest.
Anthony Floriani
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Mr. Four Loko on the MoBus
"We have flipped the crazy switch on the MoBus, or the Loko switch rather," DonJon.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - DonJonVonavich HRH King of the MOs, referred to as DonJon by his friends and foes, has issued a statement confirming that super-star-spokesperson, Mr. Four Loko, is joining the MoBeg'n tour. Mr. Four Loko is the leading advocate for the caffeinated malt beverage lifestyle and has been under investigation by Attorneys general in Texas, Nevada, and Tijuana for the potential health risk of his behavior to the general drinking population.
DonJon's MoBoho RoadShow - The MoBeg'n Tour will hit the road on Austug 19th for twenty-one days with twenty-one Artists. The MoBeg'n Tour will travel the American West extemporaneously performing a modern adaptation of The Beggar's Opera, culminating with a week run at the Burning Man Project in Blackrock City, NV.

"We have flipped the crazy switch on the MoBus, or the Loko switch rather, " states DonJon. Mr. Four Loko will be traveling with the Loko-ettes, Blue Raspberry, Lemonade, Fruit Punch, and Watermelon. Negotiations are still under way regarding Mr. Four Loko's super-star-spokesperson contract riders requiring unlimited Four Loko on ice, a waterbed filled with Four Loko, twenty one quarts of Four Loko infused hair tamer, and a weekly Four Loko colon cleanse. DonJon has balked at the requirement that the MoBus be converted to burn blue raspberry Four Loko.
Asked for comment Mr. Four Loko stated, "Life is Short, Drink Four Loko First"
The MoBeg'n Tour will travel on a vintage 60 foot 1988 Prevost touring coach with travel stage. The new MoBus will be christened the MoRevenge and hand painted in route. A troupe videographer will capture the full performances and background activity. Additionally, each troupe member will have a personal video camera to capture individual content. As the troupe drives between performance sites they will work with the home support team to locate camp locations and show venues, edit and post video content, and promote the upcoming show.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to developing connection, cooperation, and community.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to developing connection, cooperation, and community.
To register to join The MoBeg'n Tour: https://sites.google.com/site/moroadtrip/
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
My Friends on the MoBeg'n Tour
To: Jamie, Harayz, Harry, Tony, Reed, Marco, Briana, Guy, Josua, Sarah, Tabatha, Gage, Jorge, Will, Virgina, Mario, Igor, H, O’dell, Ava, Kiko, Carol, Corina, Bradford, and those that have played, paid, and prayed for our success,
Fr: DonJon
Fr: DonJon
Re: The MoBeg'n Tour
I have a dream, too! That was the tag line for the original 2010 MoRoadtrip. It was titled The MoDream’n Tour. The plan was to take a caravan of three MoBuses and The Dream Machine, a vintage bread truck converted into a lucid dream inducing laboratory that would carry the dreams of thousands across the country. For 21 Days 21 Artist would seek to manifest the dream of a World Community of Human Being dedicated to Being Human.
It was a grand dream, typical of the quixotic foundations of the Art of DonJon. Reality set in that only with significant begging would we be lucky to get one MoBus on the road, a bus not yet identified or procured. But the dream did not die, and the tour became about the reality of our time; that the social and political order has reduced all but the Plutocracy to begging. The MoBeg’n Tour was conceived and a MoBus manifested. The dream may live after all...
But a theme and a verbal agreement does not make a tour. Talented and dedicated individuals would have to believe in the dream, make it their own, manifest the future, and beg. They would have to be extraordinary individuals that see through the haze of a social construct that places profit over people. Individuals that understand that the personal connections of Human Being when coupled with cooperative acceptance could create communities dedicated to Being Human; that the simple moments of Artistic creation could plant the seeds of these communities.
I found you have a dream, too! You, the extraordinary individuals dedicated to extraordinary community, accepted the empty vessel this dream was and poured your energy, your talent, and your dream in; a community of dreams waiting to happen. We now stand one in the dream as actors playing our part on the meager stage of our making, unsure if the roar of applause will rise to accept our gift.
Today I rise to accept the gift of your faith and trust and belief in this project and the goodness that it represents. To those of you dedicated to making The MoBeg’n Tour a reality, Jamie, Harayz, Harry, Tony, Reed, Marco, Briana, Guy, Josua, Sarah, Tabatha, Gage, Jorge, Will, Virgina, Mario, Igor, H, O’dell, Ava, Kiko, Carol, Corina, Bradford, and those that have played, paid, and prayed for our success, Thank You.
One Great MoLove,
To register to join The MoBeg'n Tour: https://sites.google.com/site/moroadtrip/
Friday, July 23, 2010
DonJon's Denies MoBus Size Attributed to Small Penis
"It is simply not true, I am the Priapus of Pop Culture Kings," DonJon.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - DonJonVonavich HRH King of the MOs, referred to as DonJon by his friends and foes, has issued a statement denying rumors that the size of the new MoBus confirms he has a diminutive penis. DonJon's MoBoho RoadShow - The MoBeg'n Tour will depart Austin, Texas in a 1988 Prevost H560, at a length of 60 feet, it is the longest tour bus ever manufactured.
DonJon's MoBoho RoadShow - The MoBeg'n Tour will hit the road on Austug 19th for twenty-one days with twenty-one Artists. The MoBeg'n Tour will travel the American West extemporaneously performing a modern adaptation of The Beggar's Opera, culminating with a week run at the Burning Man Project in Blackrock City, NV.

"It is simply not true, I am the Priapus of Pop Culture Kings," claims DonJon, referring to the Greek fertility god worshiped for his massive permanently erect penis. The sixty foot MoBus will be the rolling canvas that transports 21 Artist for 21 Days across the American West. The bus was formerly owned by the Lord Family Ministries and still has the insignia on the exterior. The transition to Art will begin at the Grand Departure of The MoBeg'n Tour at the South Austin Popular Culture Center on August 18th.
The MoBeg'n Tour will travel on a vintage 60 foot 1988 Prevost touring coach with travel stage. The new MoBus will be christened the MoRevenge and hand painted in route. A troupe videographer will capture the full performances and background activity. Additionally, each troupe member will have a personal video camera to capture individual content. As the troupe drives between performance sites they will work with the home support team to locate camp locations and show venues, edit and post video content, and promote the upcoming show.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to developing connection, cooperation, and community.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to developing connection, cooperation, and community.
To register to join The MoBeg'n Tour: https://sites.google.com/site/moroadtrip/
Thursday, July 15, 2010
DonJon Seeks Wikipedia Immortality
"Wikipedia will drop to their knees and suck our immortal balls," DonJon.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - DonJonVonavich HRH King of the MOs, referred to as DonJon by his friends and foes, has issued a declaration of intent for immortality on Wikipedia. Sources close to DonJon confirm that he has instructed his publicist, Harry Martini of Handled Messiahs Public Relations, to "make up shit" to get the next road trip project the Wikipedia stamp of approval.
The irony of the rejection is that NBC stole the Great American Roadtrip brand and produced a gut wrenchingly awful reality show with ratings in the tank, but was bestowed with Wikipedia immortality. "We will not let this happen to The MoBeg'n Tour," claims DonJon, "Wikipedia will drop to their knees and suck our immortal balls."

DonJon, along with Harazy "MoPhunky" de Funk, Jamie Zoe "Madam Shaman" Givens, and the Chairman of the Molocratic party, Bubbie John Daniel, produced The Last Great American Roadtrip in 2008, the first in a series of "Living-Art On the Road" projects. Although a critical success with no commercial intent and a large portfolio of creative commons content, Wikipedia editors deemed the entry 'advertising' and rejected it.
Many in the Wikipedia community have expressed fear at the prospects of DonJon's declaration. "DonJon's Merry Molochsters are a mighty force and their collective will can't be underestimated," states basement WikiEditor Sturgent Wilford, "we hope NBC will pull through with the big money again and maintain the sanctity of commercially funded knowledge."
DonJon's MoBoho RoadShow - The MoBeg'n Tour will hit the road on Austug 19th for twenty-one days with twenty-one Artists. The MoBeg'n Tour will travel the American West extemporaneously performing a modern adaptation of The Beggar's Opera, culminating with a week run at the Burning Man Project in Blackrock City, NV.
The MoBeg'n Tour will travel on a vintage 60 foot 1988 Prevost touring coach with travel stage. The new MoBus will be christened the MoRevenge and hand painted in route. A troupe videographer will capture the full performances and background activity. Additionally, each troupe member will have a personal video camera to capture individual content. As the troupe drives between performance sites they will work with the home support team to locate camp locations and show venues, edit and post video content, and promote the upcoming show.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to the development of a Sustainable Cooperative Economy.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to the development of a Sustainable Cooperative Economy.
To register to join The MoBeg'n Tour: https://sites.google.com/site/moroadtrip/
Garbage in Garbage Out- Wikipedia's listing for NBC's vomit inducing thievery: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_American_Road_Trip
Monday, July 12, 2010
No Ordinary Guy Kicks Off MoRoadtrip
~ Austin's High Social Season Launches with MoRoadtrip Place to be Seen ~
The near perfect evening was temporarily marred by a powerful stench of passion that rolled in from Tennessee. Fortunately, Captan Jillicious Gammon of the Navy Air Command was stationed at the event by Homeland Security to report on un-American activity. Using her razor sharp olfactory, she thwarted the odorous menace by calling in Navy predator drones to douse the area with Axe Extreem.
Other beautiful people at the event included, Mr. Loco, Don Floriani, official tour vidographer Mo'Dello, Austin music royalty MoReed Berry, Jenny Jones, His and Her Hotness, Eager Postrakhen, The King of the Slackers, Jorge Luis "The Contender" Gamboa, Sarah Sliz, Josua Sola, and many more.
DonJon recently announced that his MoBoho RoadShow will hit the road with The MoBeg'n Tour for a Summer of MoBeg'n. A Follow up on the epic Last Great American Roadtrip 2008, The MoBeg'n Tour will travel the American West extemporaneously performing a modern adaptation of The Beggar's Opera, culminating with a week run at the Burning Man Project in Blackrock City, NV.
DonJon's MoBoho RoadShow - The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that produces “Living-Art-On-the-Road” promoting cooperation, connection, and community dedicated to Being Human. The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip.
To register to join The MoBeg'n Tour: https://moroadtrip.us
CIA Infiltrates The Last Great American Roadtrip
Spokesperson for Moloch the Plutocracy, Harayz de' Funk aka "MoFunky" stated that' "DonJon advised us that Homeland Security might enlist the CIA in covert action to infiltrate or derail the The Last Great American Roadtrip, but they have very few agents trained in 'hippie' and we know who they all are. We were blindsided by this agent, he was fluent in all aspects of bohemia and cleared our security checks."
The Last Great American Roadtrip is being promoted by Moloch the Plutocracy and sponsored by the Molocratic Party, who is having it's convention in Black Rock City, NV during the Burning Man Project. The Molocratic Party is expected to nominate DonJon for their candidate for the 2008 Presidential election, it is unknown if he will accept the nomination.
The Last Great American Roadtrip has stepped up security in the wake of the CIA action and is requiring that all participants have Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips implanted under their skin. "This may seem a bit Orwellian, but unlike the CIA, we are doing it with the people's permission" claims Mr. de' Funk, "and no one seemed to mind the shock collars to keep them within the 1000 yard parameter of the MoBus."
It is uncertain if DonJon will make an appearance during The Last Great American Roadtrip.

The Last Great American Roadtrip has stepped up security in the wake of the CIA action and is requiring that all participants have Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) chips implanted under their skin. "This may seem a bit Orwellian, but unlike the CIA, we are doing it with the people's permission" claims Mr. de' Funk, "and no one seemed to mind the shock collars to keep them within the 1000 yard parameter of the MoBus."
It is uncertain if DonJon will make an appearance during The Last Great American Roadtrip.
To register to join The MoBeg'n Tour: https://sites.google.com/site/moroadtrip/
Monday, June 28, 2010
Don Floriani to Join MoBeg'n Tour, Conflict Over Tech Avant Garde
"Gangsters with publicist are the lowest form of belly crawling scum," Harry Martini.
An unidentified PR representative for Mr. Floriani was quoted as saying, "The Don will be making an announcement tomorrow at noon regarding his participation in the greatest roadtrip of our young century. All questions will be answered at that time."
Don Floriani has not been seen since his disappearance from public view after the New Jesey Pizza Riots of 2002. He was largely credited for both starting and ending the riots, brokering an 11th hour deal between the local pizza community and state officials. Local residents seem to admire the contributions the Don made to their lives, and one aging pizza chef had this to say:
"That Don Floriani, he was a businessman, but he was just so...I dunno, so legitimate. You hear people say that the Dons today don't care about their communities, but that's just not true. Don Floriani was always there to lend a helping hand. He treated us like family."
The re-emergence of Don Floriani on the national stage could simply be a media stunt, but some are already speculating that it may presage a possible senate run in the 2010 election cycle. Only time will tell.
In a related annoucement, Harry Martini, publicist to DonJonVonavich HRH King of the MOs, offered a reaction to the public re-emergence of Don Floriani. "Floriani is a fake, a rube, a thief, and a two bit Jersey gangster," stated Martini, "You can't fool an ole' Brooklyn boy like me." Conflict has brewed over the rights to the radical art movement referred to as Tech Avant Garde, along with its associated web property, TechAvantgarde.us. DonJon claims to have created the movement and coined the phrase, but Don Floriani owns the URL, which DonJon has demanded he return to the public domain.
The festering conflict has put at risk the future of DonJon's MoBoho RoadShow - The MoBeg'n Tour, which is thought to be the Next Great American Roadtrip. Don Floriani has declined to release the rights to the the website; rights which DonJon is now openly contesting. "Gangsters with publicist are the lowest form of belly crawling scum," claims Martini. Spokespeople for Don Floriani claim that he has no intention of shanghaiing the Tech Avant Garde movement, despite his refusal to budge on the website issue.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Hunter S. Thompson to join MoBus in Las Vegas
" He is ready for MoFear & Loathing with DonJon and the Merry Molochsters," Harry Martini.
Chelsea Hotel (MP) - DonJonVonavich HRH King of the MOs, referred to as DonJon by his friends and foes, has announced that Hunter S. Thompson will be joining the MoBeg'n Tour in Las Vegas. "He is ready for MoFear & Loathing with DonJon and the Merry Molochsters," reports Harry Martini, long time publicist to DonJon. Reportedly Thompson died of a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head in 2005. "He does look a little rough, but I figured he was just coming off a bender," stated Martini.
DonJon only recently announced that his MoBoho RoadShow will hit the road with The MoBeg'n Tour for a Summer of MoBeg'n. A Follow up on the epic Last Great American Roadtrip 2008, The MoBeg'n Tour will travel the American West extemporaneously performing a modern adaptation of The Beggar's Opera, culminating with a week run at the Burning Man Project in Blackrock City, NV.

The MoBeg'n Tour will travel on a vintage 60 foot 1988 Prevost touring coach with travel stage. The new MoBus will be christened the MoRevenge and hand painted in route. A troupe videographer will capture the full performances and background activity. Additionally, each troupe member will have a personal video camera to capture individual content. As the troupe drives between performance sites they will work with the home support team to locate camp locations and show venues, edit and post video content, and promote the upcoming show.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to the development of a Sustainable Cooperative Economy.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to the development of a Sustainable Cooperative Economy.
To register to join The MoBeg'n Tour: https://sites.google.com/site/moroadtrip/
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Heir to Psychedelia Empire in Congress
From the Last Great American Roadtrip Archive
Aids to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi have confirmed that Kesey's "creative people in Washington" have drafted legislation to amend the Patriot Act to outlaw any possible adaptation of a bus adventure that could infringe on a "free and open psychedelia market." Asked for comment, Pelosi offered, "it is a by-partisan effort to protect the people from fraudulent psychedelia and the terrorist activity that it supports," adding, "Mr. Kesey is a concerned citizen and we thank him for his patriotism, we feel strongly that the legislation will pass and the American people can crap on their psychedelic toilet seats without fear of supporting the terrorist."
In a written statement to Moloch the Plutocracy, Kesey demands, "get off 'our' bus!" DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy has responded saying he "cannot comment on anything related to ongoing investigations," referring to the paternity allegations by Homeland Security.
Key-Z Productions along with Jerry Garcia Enterprises control the vast majority of the market share for psychedelia and have been accused of pushing independent tie-dyers out of business. "There is a powerful cartel that controls the tie-dye market and they are ruthless in maintaining it," claims Tye-dye Mary, "it limits innovation in the psychedelia market; when was the last time you saw a new tie-dye design?"
Asked if the proposed legislation will effect The Last Great American Roadtrip, DonJon retorts, "it will take more than an act of congress initiated by a few acid soaked Plutocrats to stop The Last Great American Roadtrip."
In a written statement to Moloch the Plutocracy, Kesey demands, "get off 'our' bus!" DonJonVonavich, Eccentric Publisher of Moloch the Plutocracy has responded saying he "cannot comment on anything related to ongoing investigations," referring to the paternity allegations by Homeland Security.
Key-Z Productions along with Jerry Garcia Enterprises control the vast majority of the market share for psychedelia and have been accused of pushing independent tie-dyers out of business. "There is a powerful cartel that controls the tie-dye market and they are ruthless in maintaining it," claims Tye-dye Mary, "it limits innovation in the psychedelia market; when was the last time you saw a new tie-dye design?"
Asked if the proposed legislation will effect The Last Great American Roadtrip, DonJon retorts, "it will take more than an act of congress initiated by a few acid soaked Plutocrats to stop The Last Great American Roadtrip."
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