Chelsea Hotel (MP) - DonJonVonavich HRH King of the MOs, referred to as DonJon by his friends and foes, has issued a statement confirming that super-star-spokesperson, Mr. Four Loko, is joining the MoBeg'n tour. Mr. Four Loko is the leading advocate for the caffeinated malt beverage lifestyle and has been under investigation by Attorneys general in Texas, Nevada, and Tijuana for the potential health risk of his behavior to the general drinking population.
"We have flipped the crazy switch on the MoBus, or the Loko switch rather, " states DonJon. Mr. Four Loko will be traveling with the Loko-ettes, Blue Raspberry, Lemonade, Fruit Punch, and Watermelon. Negotiations are still under way regarding Mr. Four Loko's super-star-spokesperson contract riders requiring unlimited Four Loko on ice, a waterbed filled with Four Loko, twenty one quarts of Four Loko infused hair tamer, and a weekly Four Loko colon cleanse. DonJon has balked at the requirement that the MoBus be converted to burn blue raspberry Four Loko.
Asked for comment Mr. Four Loko stated, "Life is Short, Drink Four Loko First"
DonJon's MoBoho RoadShow - The MoBeg'n Tour will hit the road on Austug 19th for twenty-one days with twenty-one Artists. The MoBeg'n Tour will travel the American West extemporaneously performing a modern adaptation of The Beggar's Opera, culminating with a week run at the Burning Man Project in Blackrock City, NV.
The MoBeg'n Tour will travel on a vintage 60 foot 1988 Prevost touring coach with travel stage. The new MoBus will be christened the MoRevenge and hand painted in route. A troupe videographer will capture the full performances and background activity. Additionally, each troupe member will have a personal video camera to capture individual content. As the troupe drives between performance sites they will work with the home support team to locate camp locations and show venues, edit and post video content, and promote the upcoming show.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to developing connection, cooperation, and community.
The MeBeg'n Tour is produced by MoRoadtrip, Inc., a Cooperative Corporation that creates road trip events referred to as "Living Art on the Road." The projects are developed and supported by teams of shareholder artists and produced, documented and distributed by MoRoadtrip. All MoRoadtrip projects are dedicated to developing connection, cooperation, and community.
To register to join The MoBeg'n Tour: